1. You will need to provide definitions for the terms: ecosystem, endemic, biodiversity, habitat, preservation, conservation, biome, extinct.
2. Look at the food web diagram. Explain what would happen if an introduced species destroyed all the oak trees. Which other species are effected?
3. What are the main Greenhouse Gases?
4. Below is a diagram that illustrates the natural greenhouse effect. Draw your own version of this.

5. What types of biodiversity are there? Explain what these mean.
6. Biodiversity is important for four reasons - ecosystem processes, ethical values, beauty & culture, and economic. Explain what is meant by each of these terms.
7. When climate scientists make predictions about future temperature rises they usually provide a range rather than exact numbers. Why is this?
8. Human induced climate change has had significant impacts on the Earth's natural systems. List and explain five of these.
9. Discuss ways that we can reduce the future impacts of either climate change OR biodiversity.